Category: Home Maintenance

Service Your Furnace This Spring

One of the last things that you may want to think about is your furnace once Spring rolls around. Rising temperatures, open windows and light breezes are far more appealing than thinking about maintaining and tuning your heating system, but that ounce of preventative maintenance and care could save you a tidy sum down the… Read more »

What to Look for in Summer Home Inspections

Your home is a sacred place because it gives you shelter and comfortable living. Keeping up with maintenance and home inspection for your home is essential to making sure that you home is not costing you an incredible amount of money to keep it running. Here are is a checklist of summer home inspections: Smoke… Read more »

Invest in a Chimney Sweep Now to Prevent Fires Next Winter

It may seem far off now, but when winter rolls around again you’ll look forward to the cheer and warmth of a roaring fire in your living room. However, if you don’t maintain your chimney during the warmer months, it can constitute a serious fire hazard. Our advice? Invest in a chimney sweep now to… Read more »

These Home Improvements are Great for Older Homes

Do you live in an older home that could use some updating? There are dozens of home improvement projects that you might be considering, but some of those projects are better-suited to old homes than others. Let’s take a look at a few home improvements that can dramatically improve your home and its resale value… Read more »

Cross These Items off Your Home Fire Safety Checklist

There are more than 1.3 million fires that take place in the U.S. every year. Many of these blazes start inside houses and put homeowners, their families and their properties at risk. The good news is, there are effective steps you can take to protect your family and your home in the event of a… Read more »

Keep an Eye out for Signs of Termite Activity This Summer

Did you know that termite damage costs U.S. homeowners an estimated $5 billion a year? Termites tend to be particularly active this time of year, when warm weather gives them an opportunity to swarm and form new colonies. With this in mind, it’s always a good idea to stay on the lookout for signs of… Read more »

Is Your Dryer Creating a Fire Hazard in Your Home?

Most Americans who own a home have a washer and dryer tucked away in a laundry room. In the late 1990’s, The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission estimated that roughly 75 percent of American households had either a gas or electric dryer. A dryer has become an essential appliance for many people, but it can… Read more »

How Often Should you Replace Your Roof?

Chicago is known as “The Windy City,” and indeed it is. Wind as well as the sometimes brutal winter weather can really take its toll on area roofs. First Choice Inspectors often do roofing inspections in and around Chicago and Aurora, Illinois. After all, people need good roofs in order to live comfortably, without the… Read more »

Save Money on Your Energy Bills This Fall and Winter

We’re about a month into fall and already the temperatures are dropping and homeowners are preparing to hunker down for another cold winter. This time of year energy bills can suddenly become far more expensive, particularly if your home isn’t adequately protected against the elements. By taking some preventative measures, however, you can keep your… Read more »

Avoid These Common Household Electrical Hazards

Spend much time as a home inspector, and you’re bound to see some pretty frightening examples of DIY electrical work. From frayed extension cords to ancient knob and tube wiring, we’ve seen our fair share of electrical hazards over the years. Fortunately, most of these hazards can be quickly remedied in order to keep you… Read more »