Category: Structural Inspections

Ensuring Home Safety: A Comprehensive Guide to Fire Safety Inspections

Programmable Thermostat

Your home is a sanctuary, a place where cherished memories are created, and loved ones gather. While it provides comfort and security, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, especially when it comes to the threat of fire. Home inspectors play a vital role in assessing and ensuring fire safety. In this blog post, we’ll explore what… Read more »

A Comprehensive Guide on Choosing the Right Home Inspector for Your Home Inspection Services

home inspector doing inspection on new home

When it comes to purchasing a home, a thorough inspection is a crucial step in ensuring that you’re making a sound investment. Choosing the right home inspector is paramount to obtaining an accurate assessment of the property’s condition. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key factors to consider when selecting a home inspector… Read more »

Mold, Moisture, and Your Home: What Inspectors Look For

home inspector doing inspection on new home

Mold is a hidden menace that can silently thrive in homes, posing serious health risks and causing structural damage. Home inspectors play a crucial role in identifying potential mold issues and the moisture problems that enable their growth. Visual Signs of Mold: Home inspectors begin by looking for visible signs of mold. This can include… Read more »

Why is It Important to Have Our Homes Inspected?

Small toy house is being looked at with a magnifying glass

Home inspections come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Now, what we mean by that is that there are several different types of inspections you can have done on your home that will be of great value to you. Owning a home is very rewarding, but it does come with many difficult tasks to… Read more »

Protecting Your Investment: The Long-Term Benefits of Home Inspections

Home inspector working at a home

Buying a home is a significant investment, and it’s crucial to ensure that you’re making a sound financial decision. One essential step in the home buying process is a comprehensive home inspection. While inspections may seem like an additional expense, they offer long-term benefits that far outweigh the upfront cost. Uncovering Potential Issues A thorough… Read more »

Benefits of a Home Inspection in the Summer

Worker inspecting AC

If you are a potential homeowner that is having a home inspected this summer, you can rest easy knowing you’re in  the best position. Having a home inspected during the summer allows for a home inspection expert to see if there are any issues that may have been hidden during the colder months. Whatever you… Read more »

Look Out for Faulty Electrical Wiring in Your Home

Scorched Outlet

Concerned about DIY or outdated electrical work in your home or a home you’re thinking about buying? Faulty wiring can be expensive to replace and pose serious safety risks to homeowners. Today we’ll address a few telltale signs of bad electrical work to look out for. Hot Outlets Although electrical appliances may generate heat when… Read more »

Common Problems Caused By Poor Roof Ventilation

First Choice Inspectors see a lot of roofs in Chicago and Aurora, Illinois. As inspectors, they look for common problems caused by poor roof ventilation. So, what do they look for? How is the Attic? Inspectors often look at an attic to figure out how the roof ventilation of a house is working well… or… Read more »

These Home Issues Can Be Signs of Serious Underlying Issues

Are you in the process of searching for a new home? If so, it’s important to keep a close eye out for issues that could require expensive repairs in the future. Some of these issues – like outdated electrical panels or cracks in the foundation—are pretty easy to spot if you know what to look… Read more »

Common Sources of Asbestos in Old Homes

Asbestos in Old Home

Owning a home is a great responsibility. From purchasing to reconstruction, you have total control over the home-owning process. One thing you don’t have control over, unfortunately, is where asbestos might be hiding in your home, especially if it was constructed before 1975. Here are four areas where you might find asbestos in an old… Read more »